Joe Pulizzi om skillnaden mellan content och content marketing

Mellan september 2015 och juli 2016 sändes fyrtio avsnitt av podden Åsikt – en krönika av och med Thomas Barregren. Detta är en återutsändning av avsnitt 36 från den 24 maj 2016.

Thomas Barregren
21 augusti 2017

”Joe Puliz­zi om skill­na­den mel­lan con­tent och con­tent mar­ke­ting”, hand­lar Åsikt 36 från den 24 maj 2016.

[Inle­dan­de vinjett]


Joe: Do we run out of time?

Tho­mas: I’ve for­got to record.

Joe: Are you kid­ding me?!

Tho­mas: I’m so sorry.

Joe: Oh no!

Tho­mas: I’m so sorry.

Joe: I got only five minutes.

Tho­mas: Five minutes?

Joe: That was good stuff!!

Tho­mas: I’m so sorry.


Joe: Let’s do your cri­ti­cal ques­tion in five minu­tes, so you have some chunk to go with, and then I have to do this inter­vi­ew for…

That’s okay! We will bring it around.

Tho­mas: Jesus, this is not happening…

Joe: It has hap­pen me too. I’ve done it befo­re. We got hal­fway through our podcast and have to start over. It was horrible.

Are we recor­ding now?

Tho­mas: Now we are recor­ding, yes.

Joe: We are for sure recording?

Tho­mas: We are recor­ding now.

Joe: Okay.

Skillnaden mellan content och content marketing

Tho­mas: In your pre­sen­ta­tion you said that nine of ten com­pa­ni­es self-report that they are doing con­tent mar­ke­ting. But I sen­se an under­to­ne that you don’t real­ly trust them on that.

Joe: That’s total correct. I think that most peop­le that say they are doing con­tent mar­ke­ting are just cre­a­ting con­tent. They are put­ting it on all sorts of dif­fe­rent plat­forms, and the­re is no stra­te­gy or busi­ness model behind that.

So, we call it the appro­ach of con­tent mar­ke­ting. So that real­ly means, that are goal is to cre­a­te valu­ab­le, rele­vant, con­si­stent con­tent on a ongo­ing basis, in order to see some beha­vi­or change to a very tar­get audience.

So the­re is a couple of tings in the­re. A very spe­ci­fic audi­ence. It has to be valu­ab­le con­tent, and not about our pro­ducts. And we have to do it con­si­stent­ly. It just like a medium com­pa­ny would do, except for that we are not get­ting adver­ti­sing revenue or paid sub­scrip­tions like a media com­pa­ny would. We are actu­al­ly try to sell more pro­ducts and ser­vices, help clo­se the busi­ness fas­ter, cre­a­te more suc­cess­ful custo­mers in some way, so they ulti­ma­tely do more pro­fi­tab­le things for the business.

I would say the­re is very few peop­le out the­re doing it. And if you look at our suc­cess rate in the rese­arch of 30 per­cen­tage, that is pro­bably more accu­ra­te. It might even be lower than that. That [is] com­pa­ni­es that are actu­al­ly doing con­tent mar­ke­ting are see­ing suc­cess. Becau­se you got all kinds of com­pa­ni­es out the­re that has no stra­te­gy, they are not tar­ge­ting a spe­ci­fic audi­ence, they are still tal­king about their pro­ducts and ser­vices too much. They are all over the pla­ce on soci­al media and are not buil­ding their own plat­form whe­re they can earn atten­tion over time. They are not buil­ding an email sub­scrip­tion list. So they are doing all this con­tent. The­re is lot of acti­vi­ty. But all that acti­vi­ty [is] at the end of day [all] what you have.

The appro­ach of con­tent mar­ke­ting, and a busi­ness model behind that, would mean that you have an audi­ence that is opt-in to your com­mu­ni­ca­tion. That is you have earn their trust – they know they can trust you – and they are more wil­ling to buy from you. And that’s what we like to see.

The­re is defi­ni­tely not 90 per­cen­tage of com­pa­ni­es doing that. Pro­bably less than half are doing it. You have lot of experimentation.

Even though con­tent mar­ke­ting is a very old disci­pli­ne, it’s new to most peop­le. I think if you come from a publishing envi­ron­ment, you get this. If you are a mar­ke­ter, and you’ve been doing adver­ti­sing for 50 years, this is a very new model.

The old model is cam­paign based. The new model is a marat­hon, and not a sprint. We need to focus and sol­ve our custo­mers com­mu­ni­ca­tions chal­leng­es on a ongo­ing basis; giving them ama­zing expe­ri­ence so that they trust us, and then we can mone­ti­ze that once we give them enough value.

Varför content marketing sker i ägda medier

Tho­mas: In Swe­den a lot of discus­sion have been about whet­her or not you have to own the medium you are put­ting he con­tent on. Many say you don’t have to do that. You can do nati­ve adver­ti­sing and call it con­tent mar­ke­ting. Do agree or disagree?

Joe: Nati­ve adver­ti­sing is adver­ti­sing. We are still… I’m not say­ing inter­rup­ting. We are tel­ling sto­ri­es that are more com­pel­ling, hope­ful­ly, than [tra­di­tio­nal] adver­ti­sing, but we are still ren­ting some­bo­dy else’s space.

So if we are going to do nati­ve adver­ti­sing – which I don’t have a pro­blem with – at the end the­re has to be some kind of result. Are we try­ing to ste­al audi­ence, and get them go to our site? May­be. That’s hope­ful­ly what we try to do, for at the end of day we got to have some sub­scri­ber – we are try­ing to build an audi­ence in some way.

Same thing if we look at soci­al media plat­forms of some kind. We are ren­ting other peoples plat­forms. So we have to wake up eve­ryday and knowing – whet­her we are using nati­ve adversing or whet­her we are using YouTu­be or Face­book – tho­se things are tem­po­ra­ry. We don’t have con­trol over tho­se things. So what’s our goal and call to actions, so that we at the end of day have an audi­ence that does know, like and trust us, so we can monetize?

Even gre­at adver­ti­sing is done con­si­stent­ly over time. The pro­blem is that most adver­ti­sing pro­gram stop at some point – 9 mont­hs, 12 mont­hs, wha­te­ver – and then we start a new cam­paign, which is hor­rib­le to do. No media com­pa­ny would ever do that.

So, if we can deli­ver value over a long peri­od of time – if you are loo­king at any media com­pa­ny or any con­tent mar­ke­ting case study – if we do that, and they know, like and trust us, we have cre­a­ted a bet­ter custo­mer. We see more posi­ti­ve beha­vi­or. So whet­her you call it adver­ti­sing or com­mu­ni­ca­tion, that’s the basis of it. Wha­te­ver plat­form you are using or what you do, all of I want to make sure of is at the end of day you are say­ing that this con­tent is valuable.

You can’t build an asset out of con­tent, I don’t beli­e­ve. I think the asset comes from buil­ding the audi­ence. The con­tent is a con­duit to get to the audi­ence and earn that trust and communications.

Berätta vad du tycker om Åsikt

[Avslu­tan­de vinjett]

Berät­ta vad du tyc­ker om Åsikt. Vad gil­lar du? Vad kan göras bätt­re? Skic­ka ett mejl till tho­mas (med th) snabel‑a knt​nt​.se.

Musik: All Alo­ne © Ivan Chew (CC BY 3.0)

Bil­den överst på sidan © Esben Johan­sen.

Dela artikeln om du gillade den!

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